Saturday, October 6, 2012

Journey South: Sending Them on Their Way

Diane has been looking at the migration of the monarch butterfly in her classroom these past two months. The area we live in is on the monarch's migration route. Some of the classes have found monarch chrysalises on the playground and have brought them in to watch them hatch.  To make this project more meaningful she went to Journey North, a great website to look at migration, plant studies, and other teaching tools (Journey North). The project has students create a butterfly to send to another school, create their own butterfly to include, and look at how far the monarchs would travel from Tse Bonito to Mexico. This incorporated science, math, art, and language arts in the process. Below are some pictures of the process and the finished products.
The final folder
The individual butterflies


CrazyD said...

Hi Marc and Diane - Great looking blog. And as always, good to hear from you guys. Be well.

Marc and Diane Guiett said...
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Marc and Diane Guiett said...

Thanks! You are my blogger pattern! It is great to hear what is happening in your neck of the woods, too!